Transparent Tastemakers

What we do

Transforming speciality cacao with openness and transparency

Our presence on the ground in all of the world’s best known cacao origins gives us a singular closeness to the farmers, and allows us to be deeply involved with operations throughout the entire process. Our knowledge of cacao cultivars and familiarity with the farms and their trees means we’re ahead of the game when it comes to identifying great flavour potential. This helps us to secure exclusives, and make sure the best processes are clarified, implemented and followed in farming and
post-harvesting protocols.

Our process

Bean selection

Every cacao region is famous for certain nuances of flavour, and we take pride in finding the terroirs which really embody those characteristics. We also look out for cacao beans with distinctive sensory profiles, with desirable flavour notes that are more unusual to find in a particular region. With upcountry presence throughout the Cocoa Belt we are in a unique position to introduce you to cacao that works for you, or if you have a specific requirement we are more than happy to help you find the perfect bean.


Sensory evaluation

We send bean samples to our plant science and sensory laboratories, who analyse the beans to understand their potential. The plant science and local teams will then work together to optimise post-harvest protocols whilst carrying out flavour trials. This stage can last several months but ensures that every aspect of flavour and quality is examined and the right protocols are developed for consistency in the bean profile.

Process optimisation

Many origins have challenges that need to be tackled to make sure the farmers can prepare their beans properly. Often we install or improve infrastructure for drying and fermentation, And make sure farmers are trained in post-harvest practices to ensure they know to best prepare their beans. If road access is difficult or non-existent, we will arrange to pick up the beans from the farmer group. Over the course of our partnership, we share information with the farmers about technique, protocols and good agricultural practices to maximise opportunities for each farmer group.

Working towards carbon neutral beans

Environmental sustainability is central to our approach to cacao. Through our partnership with AtSource we are able to calculate our carbon footprint and work towards offsetting it entirely, so that we can provide carbon neutral specialty beans.
Our environmental footprint methodology is based on the Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) methodology (ISO 14044). In the context of Twenty Degrees, the scope covers the production of the cacao beans, land use change and transportation up to the warehouse where the beans are stored in their destination markets.

Our carbon footprint is offset through investment in the Isangi Forest Conservation project. Click here to learn more.

Creating a future
in cacao

We’re passionate about helping farmers to grow the highest quality beans they can, and attract the highest prices, to make cacao a wise long-term choice. In the right environment and with proper management cacao can provide stable and reliable income for smallholders. We work with farmer groups, cooperatives and single estates who all share our belief in transparency and quantifiable quality in the industry, and who are all pushing the boundaries in cacao production.

Continuing a tradition of quality

When we’re ready to take these beans to the specialty market, we engage with all our customers and gather constant feedback. Our team keep iterating on the processes and protocols, guaranteeing continuous improvement, and consistent flavour profiles. We take pride in constantly learning and growing together.

Let us help you find
your perfect cacao beans